Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Please "Help"

拜託幫我一個忙 宣傳一下
有些小狗從一生下來就不停的生 到老的 沒用了 就被丟棄
一輩子擠在連轉身都很難的生鏽鐵籠裡 沒看過藍天 不曾有機會奔跑在大草原上
哪種人會容許如此的踐踏生命 和無情的對待無辜
請大家重視這個議題 不要再向繁殖場購買寵物

This is MAX
Please do me a favor to pass this terrible article out.
Do not keep helping those cruel and heartless breeders by buying animals from "Puppy Mills".
Look at those helpless, harmless and weak lifes. They are struggling for one breath and freedem.
Some of them don't even know what the life truly is.
Never had chance to see the blue sky, and to run on the beautiful green feild.
Therefore, stop doing so is the only way out for them even thought they may die eventually. (Actually I think for them, death is better than the reality)
Think about it, what kind of people will do such terrible thing to innocent lifes.
Please value this international issue, and don't trun youself into a cold murder.

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